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Lobster farming

Lobster farming ( การเลี้ยงกุ้งก้ามกราม)


There are several methods of raising lobsters, such as in cages. Raised in a kennel Or enclosed in a garden trenches and in a pond, but if it is to be raised to have serious results. should be raised in the soil


The most important problem in raising lobsters is water. Therefore, the source of water must be considered. that exist nearby such as rivers, streams, and canals with water flowing through the year and the water must be of good quality. The pH value is between 7.5 – 8. 5 Non-toxic from industrial plants And the soil must be able to hold water. should not be sandy soil or sandy soil More than 30 percent because there will be problems in water retention in the dry season. which, if corrected, 


will require a high investment Another thing to consider is the way of transportation. The transportation did not cause much injury to the baby shrimp. Shrimp can be caught and sent to the market quickly. Shrimps do not deteriorate and the price does not fall,


 in some places they may use groundwater to raise shrimp. but requires high investment for raising in the garden or in prison that already has water and unable to pump out all the water before releasing the shrimp All existing fish must be killed or they may steal food. or eat baby shrimp Using fresh lo-tin root, smashed into water for 1 night, then crumpled to make the rubber, 


which is white like milk. out as much as possible then splashed into the water all over In the ratio of fresh lo-tin 1 kg per 100 cubic meters of water or ground tea seed residue at the rate of 25-30 grams per 1 cubic meter of water or use sodium cyanide. (Sodium cyanide) in the ratio of 1-3 grams per 1 ton of water, but the use of sodium cyanide is quite dangerous. Must be used with caution afterwards, large and small fish will show signs of choking on water. abnormal swimming Coming up to the surface or around the edge of the pond, it must be quickly caught before it sinks into the rotten area.


For old wells that have been drained until dry, generally lime will be sprinkled at the rate of 150 – 200 kg per rai. The acidity – alkalinity of the soil at the pond floor should be measured first. and then calculate the amount of lime to be put which is the most correct way Then leave it for 7 days, then let the water in. and raising shrimp immediately


Lobster Farm

Pond preparation

If it’s an old well Or the existing garden grooves to adjust the pond’s height above the flood level. If the bottom of the well has muddy soil Must be dug out, then dried in the pond and sprinkled with lime, as mentioned above.


If it’s a new place, haven’t dug a well yet. must be laid out correctly Firstly, the soil level must be checked whether the ground is flat and flooded or not. In order to determine the level of the edge of the pond out of the water, the pond layout must be longer than the wide side. and long in the direction of the wind is from north to south The size of the pond should not be too small or too large,


should be 1-5 rai, 25-30 meters wide, because if it is too small will be able to raise shrimps at a depth of 80 – 100 centimeters, with a slope of 1:2 or 1:3 if it is not clay soil width on rod The pond should not be less than 3 meters and compact the tank well. to prevent water leakage and can be used to plant trees as a shade 


The edge of the pond should be planted with mulch. To prevent the embankment at the edge of the pond collapse At the end of the pond should be embroidered with bamboo. Or plant floating plants such as morning glory or water hyacinth around it. to reduce the impact of wind waves and a hiding place for shrimp


Each well must have a sluice. for draining and there is an independent pipe to supply water to every well. Water supply pipes for wells of 1-2 rai should have a diameter of not less than 6 inches and a sluice with a width of 0.80 – 1.20 meters. A groove must be made for inserting a sieve. Prevent the baby shrimp from leaving. and the baby fish enter while draining


pond preparation

In addition to having to fill the outermost pit to a height to prevent floods Blue nylon netting is also required. Or cast a barrier around the pond to prevent fish or other reptiles from eating shrimp in the pond.

For the end of the pond, a ditch must be dug to drain water from the well.


If using natural water to raise shrimp, it will cost a lot. especially if using natural water from streams or canal with a level higher than the pond level, such as some shrimp farming in the northern provinces which the water from the natural stream flows into the pond itself without using a pump But if you can’t find such a good location It is necessary to use a pump or wind turbine, usually a pond size of 1 rai if it is in the open air with low humidity. 


Water will evaporate about 20 tons per day in case the water does not leak. but some places are sandy soil More water may seep. Therefore, the total amount of water used for 5 ponds of 2 rai is approximately 200 tons per day. Therefore, pumps with enough power must be used to pump at least 200 tons of water per day.


The water used for raising shrimp must be filtered first. using a nylon filter bag or stainless wire mesh The eye size is not less than 60 eyes per inch. Filter such water. And must be cleaned regularly, otherwise the sieve will be clogged.


Transportation of baby shrimp


Normally, it is packed in a plastic bag measuring 45 x 75 centimeters, filled with 3 – 5 liters of water, containing 1,500 – 2,000 baby shrimp (1.2 – 2 centimeters in size). Travel within 6 hours if required. travel further or large shrimp Must contain less baby shrimp. Or reduce the temperature to 20 – 24 degrees Celsius will give the fry more chances to survive. 


By putting ice next to the bag. Important while conveying. Do not expose the lobster bag to the sun. or give warm water This will allow the baby shrimp to use more oxygen. and the oxygen in the bag runs out quickly When it reaches its destination, the baby shrimp will become weak, sink to the bottom of the bag and die. Therefore, when released into the pond If not checked Maybe there are only a few left.


Shrimp release rate


Before releasing the baby shrimp, water must be pumped into the pond one day before. Do not pump water into the well for a long time. because it will make dragonflies come to eggs and embryo which can catch baby shrimp If it is an old pond that is already raising Blue nylon nets should be used. Partitioned as a pen in the pond For baby shrimp nursery for a period of about 1 month.


In the case of raising shrimp alone and have good water Shrimp should be released at a ratio of 15-30 per square meter. When the shrimp are about 2-3 months old, shrimps of similar size are sorted into the same pond at a ratio of 5-10 per square meter. 


This will make the shrimp in the pond raised. After sizing have a similar growth rate If the water is not transferred Must reduce the number to 3-5 birds per square meter. from a survey of shrimp farmers in Suphan Buri Province and Chachoengsao Province If the shrimp is released in a ratio of 5-10 per square meter, they will produce 150-200 kg and rai in the period of 7-8 months. If the shrimp is released too tight, 


the shrimp will grow slowly.

In the case of using a gradual method of catching grown shrimps throughout the year Prawns should be released periodically every 3-4 months, in numbers that are three times more than those caught. For example, if 1,000 large prawns are sold in a 4 month period, about 3,000 smaller prawns must be released instead.


In the case of raising with fish May release less shrimp, ie no more than 5 per square meter. Fish that can be farmed with shrimp are herbivorous fish such as gourami and Chinese fish such as pangolin, Song and Cao, at the rate not exceeding 40 fish per rai. consider that If you want to raise shrimp for commercial business Shrimp should be fed alone. This is because the release of fish into the party as well. 


There will be two problems as follows: fish stealing shrimp food. causing increased food costs and fish are disturbed while using shrimp trawls. In addition, co-culture with shrimp also produces lower yields than shrimp alone.


In some places, mosquito-eating fish is popular for breeding in shrimp ponds. This is because mosquito-eating fish live on the surface of the water. Therefore, it is used to eliminate the larvae of surface insects and dragonflies, which like to eat baby shrimp. This fish is no larger than 2 inches and cannot eat baby shrimp. But the shrimp can be caught as food or if there are many. then grind the shrimp to eat as food should be raised in the shrimp pond



Hiding place


Raising lobsters also requires providing a hiding place. Because shrimp grow by molting. while molting new stains Soft-bodied shrimp and can’t help himself shrimp nature It is an animal that eats itself. Therefore, if there is no hiding place, when molting, the shrimp are always eaten by other shrimp, even if they are full of food. Therefore, the survival rate of shrimp is low. 


How to help alleviate the mortality rate? by providing old nets or thick, solid colored plastic cloth or other non-perishable materials Leave it in the pond periodically. Or planting aquatic plants such as morning glory or water hyacinth next to the pond will help. Unless the shrimp pond is very large. It doesn’t need a place to hide. because the chance that the shrimp will meet is less



in raising lobsters There is another necessary equipment. oxygen booster Most of which are used as a type of agitator or air blower to add oxygen. at night


Food and feeding

food ingredients Shrimp is an animal The food is not selective, both animal carcasses and seeds. Shrimps live at night on the bottom of the pond. Therefore, the food used for raising shrimp in the pond is fresh fish, 


shellfish and mixed feed. and dried pellets and because shrimps eat slowly Mixed food should be submerged in water for a long time. does not dissolve quickly At least, it must maintain its shape for at least 3 hours. The ingredients of the food should be 20-30 percent protein and the ratio of ingredients by weight. 


Currently, there are ready-made food pellets for sale as The bag contains 20-25 kilograms per bag, priced at about 10 baht per kilogram.



For small shrimps with the size of 1 – 2 centimeters raised in soil ponds. start feeding From the first day that the young shrimp are released to raise about 1/2 kg per 10 shrimps, 000 heads per day, sow them to eat twice a day, morning and evening, and add about 30-50 percent of the original feed weight every 2 weeks until about 4 months old, thus increasing at the rate of 25-30 percent of the feed weight. Same as every 3-4 weeks, reducing the number of sessions to only once in the evening. in


 consideration of feeding We have the following methods of consideration. if small shrimp less than 100 per kg Feed about 10 – 12 percent of the shrimp weight. If shrimp size 50-80 pieces per kilogram Feed about 5-8 percent of shrimp weight. If the shrimp is larger than this, feed about 1-3% of the shrimp weight. If it is live feed, it must be 3-5 times more. 


Dry pellet feed requires about 3 kilograms, so it is comparable to the weight ratio of 1 kg of shrimp. The price of pellet feed is about 8-10 baht per kilogram. Raising shrimp for about 30-40 baht per kg of shrimp weight, with a survival rate of about 30-40 percent.


disease and enemies

Shrimp farming in ponds is rarely a disease problem. As found, the disease is not severe, including:

1. Black gum disease

Caused by bacteria caught on the gums. visible in black making it difficult for shrimp to breathe The cause is due to the pond’s fermentation of water.

low in oxygen How to prevent and fix is to change the water and move the shrimp to raise in the pond which is prepared for molting. caught bacteria will disappear

The lobster got sick and died of black gum disease. Sediment and algae cling to the gills.

2. Bark rot disease

caused by bacteria This makes the edges or tip of the gums black and missing. If it occurs at the tip of the leg, it will cause the leg to become stubborn. This disease will gradually spread, causing shrimp irritation. It doesn’t eat and eventually dies. Caused by dense shrimp farming and not enough water change


3. Enemy

There are many types of enemies of shrimp raised in ponds, such as teals, egrets, frogs, turtles, snakes, and all kinds of carnivorous fish. Especially snakehead fish, even small, can eat baby shrimp. 


When caught, the baby shrimp will always be found in the belly. is a dangerous fish and very difficult to protect because they can jump over the edge of the pond And they are everywhere. The other fish that do not eat the baby shrimp directly. will steal food increase the cost Protection can be done by using nylon nets around the pond. and filter the water before releasing it into the shrimp pond to protect eggs and fry for the removal of the fish 


This can be done by pumping out the water to about 50 centimeters and then using ground tea seed residue. Soak in water at the rate of 25-30 g per 1 ton of water or use fresh tin plaque at the rate of 1 kg per 100 ton of water. Smash the tin plaque in water for 1 night and splash it all over the pond. The fish will die but the shrimp will not die. After that, the water was pumped into the same place.


Shrimp farming problems

Important problems that are always encountered in shrimp farming. Which are not diseases and enemies, but cause damage as follows


1. Lack of oxygen in the pond

Usually with ponds where shrimp are kept after 4 months of age onwards, especially in the summer with little water. and days when the weather is overcast lack of oxygen is In the early morning, shrimp will appear abnormally at the edge of the pond. Some of them may jump on the banks, 


indicating that the oxygen in the water is less than 1.5 parts per million, need to be corrected, otherwise the pond may die. Correction was done by pumping water immediately. with air or use a water mixer increase oxygen at night The amount of oxygen in the pond should be at least 3 parts per million.


2. Shrimp does not grow because the shrimp does not molt.

It appears like moss caught in the shrimp shell, causing the shrimp to be thin and light weight due to less feeding. and the food is insufficient or overfeeding This causes the soil and water in the well to rot. 


How to prevent Do not let the shrimp into the pond until the pond is tight. 


need to water frequently or put on a tin shield or tea seed residue in the ratio as mentioned above In addition to the aforementioned problems Yet another problem was encountered, which was a large lobster, but a small one called “Jiggo Shrimp” This problem is caused by an imbalance in the number of shrimp in the pond, 


that is, there are many times less male shrimp than female shrimp. This causes the male shrimp to waste energy on mating. which causes dwarf and disproportionate male shrimp, which can be corrected by catching the female out to a number close to the male



Shrimp should be raised for at least 7 months and should be caught when the male weighs no less than 80 g and the female should not be less than 50 g.


The amount of produce is uncertain. It depends on many factors. Management of water and food sources Abroad, for example in Hawaii, yields exceed 400 kg per hectare per year. For in our house as far as having a babysitter will produce approximately 150 – 250 kg per rai per year.


Catching shrimp

in the shrimp We should consider two factors: the size of the market. and the size of the shrimp growing to the saturation point The shepherd knows that Shrimps are not the same size. The more they raise, the bigger the males than the females at the age of about 8-12 months. 


The male will be about 2 times bigger than the female. Observation of raising lobsters in the pond, it is found that shrimp should be caught when the males are 8-10 size. per kilogram and the female is 15 – 18 per kg. This is the stage where lobsters in the pond have the fastest growth rate. If I leave this place, it will grow slowly.


There are two methods for catching shrimp: occasional catch. using nylon nets and caught by pumping all the water out of the well in shrimp farming As a business, it is better to catch shrimp using a net than other methods. This is because the shrimps are not the same size. The use of nets makes it possible to catch the grown shrimp for sale first. 


The shrimp is not damaged, which helps to get a good price and saves both manpower and equipment. However, shrimp that are molting should not be caught. or just molting new stains the shell is still soft because it is easy to be wounded spoil quickly and should not be kept overnight. because it will damage the shrimp This is because shrimp molts about 5-10% and most of them are eaten by other shrimps. only some left


Nets used to catch lobsters in ponds should be nylon nets. with eyes width 1.2 – 1.5 inches, net line No. 17, not less than the width of the pond and the depth is 3 times the depth of the water Used to drag along the length of the pond. This method will catch shrimp of any size. Weight not less than 50 grams each. Small shrimp will be able to pass. This makes it possible to select shrimp of the desired size in a timely manner. and the prawns were not bruised.


As for how to pump water out of the well and then catch it This should be done when the shrimp is low. and want to clean the pond because when the water is pumped out There will be a number of small shrimp. which is not yet available for sale need to continue to feed Catching by this method of pumping out all the water. will cause the shrimp to be very traumatized


The commercial farming of lobsters There are many problems such as low productivity due to the nature of shrimp like to eat shrimp together. has a slow growth rate And there is a problem with the water source used for raising. There is also another important problem, which is marketing because the international market is limited. and plum shrimp which has a market to support more production and reward much higher Shrimp farming business Will be more popular than raising lobsters. 

#การเลี้ยงกุ้ง #กุ้ง #กุ้งก้ามกราม

Lobster farming(การเลี้ยงกุ้งก้ามกราม)

There are several methods of raising lobsters, such as in cages. Raised in a kennel Or enclosed in a garden trenches and in a pond, but if it is to be raised to have serious results. should be raised in the soil
The most important problem in raising lobsters is water. Therefore, the source of water must be considered. that exist nearby such as rivers, streams, and canals with water flowing through the year and the water must be of good quality. 
The pH value is between 7.5 – 8. 5 Non-toxic from industrial plants And the soil must be able to hold water. should not be sandy soil or sandy soil More than 30 percent because there will be problems in water retention in the dry season. which, if corrected, 
will require a high investment Another thing to consider is the way of transportation. The transportation did not cause much injury to the baby shrimp. Shrimp can be caught and sent to the market quickly. Shrimps do not deteriorate and the price does not fall, in some places they may use groundwater to raise shrimp. but requires high investment for raising in the garden or in prison that already has water and unable to pump out all the water before releasing the shrimp 
All existing fish must be killed or they may steal food. or eat baby shrimp Using fresh lo-tin root, smashed into water for 1 night, then crumpled to make the rubber, which is white like milk. out as much as possible then splashed into the water all over In the ratio of fresh lo-tin 1 kg per 100 cubic meters of water or ground tea seed residue at the rate of 25-30 grams per 1 cubic meter of water or use sodium cyanide. (Sodium cyanide) in the ratio of 1-3 grams per 1 ton of water, 
but the use of sodium cyanide is quite dangerous. Must be used with caution afterwards, large and small fish will show signs of choking on water. abnormal swimming Coming up to the surface or around the edge of the pond, it must be quickly caught before it sinks into the rotten area.
For old wells that have been drained until dry, generally lime will be sprinkled at the rate of 150 – 200 kg per rai. The acidity – alkalinity of the soil at the pond floor should be measured first. and then calculate the amount of lime to be put which is the most correct way Then leave it for 7 days, then let the water in. and raising shrimp immediately
Lobster Farm
pond preparation
If it’s an old well Or the existing garden grooves to adjust the pond’s height above the flood level. If the bottom of the well has muddy soil Must be dug out, then dried in the pond and sprinkled with lime, as mentioned above.
If it’s a new place, haven’t dug a well yet. must be laid out correctly Firstly, the soil level must be checked whether the ground is flat and flooded or not. In order to determine the level of the edge of the pond out of the water, the pond layout must be longer than the wide side. and long in the direction of the wind is from north to south 
The size of the pond should not be too small or too large, should be 1-5 rai, 25-30 meters wide, because if it is too small will be able to raise shrimps at a depth of 80 – 100 centimeters, with a slope of 1:2 or 1:3 if it is not clay soil width on rod The pond should not be less than 3 meters and compact the tank well. to prevent water leakage and can be used to plant trees as a shade The edge of the pond should be planted with mulch. To prevent the embankment at the edge of the pond collapse At the end of the pond should be embroidered with bamboo. Or plant floating plants such as morning glory or water hyacinth around it. to reduce the impact of wind waves and a hiding place for shrimp
Each well must have a sluice. for draining and there is an independent pipe to supply water to every well. Water supply pipes for wells of 1-2 rai should have a diameter of not less than 6 inches and a sluice with a width of 0.80 – 1.20 meters. A groove must be made for inserting a sieve. Prevent the baby shrimp from leaving. and the baby fish enter while draining
pond preparation
In addition to having to fill the outermost pit to a height to prevent floods Blue nylon netting is also required. Or cast a barrier around the pond to prevent fish or other reptiles from eating shrimp in the pond.
For the end of the pond, a ditch must be dug to drain water from the well.
If using natural water to raise shrimp, it will cost a lot. especially if using natural water from streams or canal with a level higher than the pond level, such as some shrimp farming in the northern provinces which the water from the natural stream flows into the pond itself without using a pump But if you can’t find such a good location It is necessary to use a pump or wind
 turbine, usually a pond size of 1 rai if it is in the open air with low humidity. Water will evaporate about 20 tons per day in case the water does not leak. but some places are sandy soil More water may seep. Therefore, the total amount of water used for 5 ponds of 2 rai is approximately 200 tons per day. Therefore, pumps with enough power must be used to pump at least 200 tons of water per day.
The water used for raising shrimp must be filtered first. using a nylon filter bag or stainless wire mesh The eye size is not less than 60 eyes per inch. Filter such water. And must be cleaned regularly, otherwise the sieve will be clogged.
transportation of baby shrimp
Normally, it is packed in a plastic bag measuring 45 x 75 centimeters, filled with 3 – 5 liters of water, containing 1,500 – 2,000 baby shrimp (1.2 – 2 centimeters in size). Travel within 6 hours if required. travel further or large shrimp Must contain less baby shrimp. Or reduce the temperature to 20 – 24 degrees Celsius will give the fry more chances to survive. By putting ice next to the bag. Important while conveying. 
Do not expose the lobster bag to the sun. or give warm water This will allow the baby shrimp to use more oxygen. and the oxygen in the bag runs out quickly When it reaches its destination, the baby shrimp will become weak, sink to the bottom of the bag and die. Therefore, when released into the pond If not checked Maybe there are only a few left.
Shrimp release rate
Before releasing the baby shrimp, water must be pumped into the pond one day before. Do not pump water into the well for a long time. because it will make dragonflies come to eggs and embryo which can catch baby shrimp If it is an old pond that is already raising Blue nylon nets should be used. Partitioned as a pen in the pond For baby shrimp nursery for a period of about 1 month.
In the case of raising shrimp alone and have good water Shrimp should be released at a ratio of 15-30 per square meter. When the shrimp are about 2-3 months old, shrimps of similar size are sorted into the same pond at a ratio of 5-10 per square meter. This will make the shrimp in the pond raised. After sizing have a similar growth rate If the water is not transferred Must reduce the number to 3-5 birds per square meter.
 from a survey of shrimp farmers in Suphan Buri Province and Chachoengsao Province If the shrimp is released in a ratio of 5-10 per square meter, they will produce 150-200 kg and rai in the period of 7-8 months. If the shrimp is released too tight, the shrimp will grow slowly.
In the case of using a gradual method of catching grown shrimps throughout the year Prawns should be released periodically every 3-4 months, in numbers that are three times more than those caught. For example, if 1,000 large prawns are sold in a 4 month period, about 3,000 smaller prawns must be released instead.
In the case of raising with fish May release less shrimp, ie no more than 5 per square meter. Fish that can be farmed with shrimp are herbivorous fish such as gourami and Chinese fish such as pangolin, Song and Cao, at the rate not exceeding 40 fish per rai. consider that If you want to raise shrimp for commercial business Shrimp should be fed alone. 
This is because the release of fish into the party as well. There will be two problems as follows: fish stealing shrimp food. causing increased food costs and fish are disturbed while using shrimp trawls. In addition, co-culture with shrimp also produces lower yields than shrimp alone.
In some places, mosquito-eating fish is popular for breeding in shrimp ponds. This is because mosquito-eating fish live on the surface of the water. Therefore, it is used to eliminate the larvae of surface insects and dragonflies, which like to eat baby shrimp. This fish is no larger than 2 inches and cannot eat baby shrimp. But the shrimp can be caught as food or if there are many. then grind the shrimp to eat as food should be raised in the shrimp pond
hiding place
Raising lobsters also requires providing a hiding place. Because shrimp grow by molting. while molting new stains Soft-bodied shrimp and can’t help himself shrimp nature It is an animal that eats itself. Therefore, if there is no hiding place, when molting, the shrimp are always eaten by other shrimp, even if they are full of food. Therefore, the survival rate of shrimp is low. How to help alleviate the mortality rate? by providing old nets or thick, solid colored plastic cloth or other non-perishable materials Leave it in the pond

 periodically. Or planting aquatic plants such as morning glory or water hyacinth next to the pond will help. Unless the shrimp pond is very large. It doesn’t need a place to hide. because the chance that the shrimp will meet is less
in raising lobsters There is another necessary equipment. oxygen booster Most of which are used as a type of agitator or air blower to add oxygen. at night
food and feeding
food ingredients Shrimp is an animal The food is not selective, both animal carcasses and seeds. Shrimps live at night on the bottom of the pond. Therefore, the food used for raising shrimp in the pond is fresh fish, shellfish and mixed feed. and dried pellets and because shrimps eat slowly Mixed food should be submerged in water for a long time. does not dissolve quickly At least, it must maintain its shape for at least 3 hours. The ingredients of the food should be 20-30 percent protein and the ratio of ingredients by weight. 
Currently, there are ready-made food pellets for sale as The bag contains 20-25 kilograms per bag, priced at about 10 baht per kilogram.
For small shrimps with the size of 1 – 2 centimeters raised in soil ponds. start feeding From the first day that the young shrimp are released to raise about 1/2 kg per 10 shrimps, 000 heads per day, sow them to eat twice a day, morning and evening, and add about 30-50 percent of the original feed weight every 2 weeks until about 4 months old, thus increasing at the rate of 25-30 percent of the feed weight. Same as every 3-4 weeks,

 reducing the number of sessions to only once in the evening. in consideration of feeding We have the following methods of consideration. if small shrimp less than 100 per kg Feed about 10 – 12 percent of the shrimp weight. If shrimp size 50-80 pieces per kilogram Feed about 5-8 percent of shrimp weight. If the shrimp is larger than this, feed about 1-3% of the shrimp weight. If it is live feed, it must be 3-5 times more. Dry pellet feed requires about 3 kilograms, so it is comparable to the weight ratio of 1 kg of shrimp. The price of pellet feed is about 8-10 baht per kilogram. Raising shrimp for about 30-40 baht per kg of shrimp weight, with a survival rate of about 30-40 percent.
disease and enemies
Shrimp farming in ponds is rarely a disease problem. As found, the disease is not severe, including:
1. Black gum disease
Caused by bacteria caught on the gums. visible in black making it difficult for shrimp to breathe The cause is due to the pond’s fermentation of water.
low in oxygen How to prevent and fix is to change the water and move the shrimp to raise in the pond which is prepared for molting. caught bacteria will disappear
The lobster got sick and died of black gum disease. Sediment and algae cling to the gills.
2. Bark rot disease
caused by bacteria This makes the edges or tip of the gums black and missing. If it occurs at the tip of the leg, it will cause the leg to become stubborn. This disease will gradually spread, causing shrimp irritation. It doesn’t eat and eventually dies. Caused by dense shrimp farming and not enough water change
3. Enemy
There are many types of enemies of shrimp raised in ponds, such as teals, egrets, frogs, turtles, snakes, and all kinds of carnivorous fish. Especially snakehead fish, even small, can eat baby shrimp. When caught, the baby shrimp will always be found in the belly. is a dangerous fish and very difficult to protect because they can jump over the edge of the pond And they are everywhere. The other fish that do not eat the baby shrimp directly. 
will steal food increase the cost Protection can be done by using nylon nets around the pond. and filter the water before releasing it into the shrimp pond to protect eggs and fry for the removal of the fish This can be done by pumping out the water to about 50 centimeters and then using ground tea seed residue. Soak in water at the rate of 25-30 g per 1 ton of water or use fresh tin plaque at the rate of 1 kg per 100 ton of water. Smash the tin plaque in water for 1 night and splash it all over the pond. The fish will die but the shrimp will not die. After that, the water was pumped into the same place.
Shrimp farming problems
Important problems that are always encountered in shrimp farming. Which are not diseases and enemies, but cause damage as follows:
1. Lack of oxygen in the pond
Usually with ponds where shrimp are kept after 4 months of age onwards, especially in the summer with little water. and days when the weather is overcast lack of oxygen is In the early morning, shrimp will appear abnormally at the edge of the pond. Some of them may jump on the banks, indicating that the oxygen in the water is less than 1.5 parts per million, need to be corrected, otherwise the pond may die. Correction was done by pumping water immediately. with air or use a water mixer increase oxygen at night The amount of oxygen in the pond should be at least 3 parts per million.
2. Shrimp does not grow because the shrimp does not molt.
It appears like moss caught in the shrimp shell, causing the shrimp to be thin and light weight due to less feeding. and the food is insufficient or overfeeding This causes the soil and water in the well to rot. How to prevent Do not let the shrimp into the pond until the pond is tight. need to water frequently or put on a tin shield or tea seed residue in the ratio as mentioned above In addition to the aforementioned problems Yet another problem was encountered, 
which was a large lobster, but a small one called “Jiggo Shrimp” This problem is caused by an imbalance in the number of shrimp in the pond, that is, there are many times less male shrimp than female shrimp. This causes the male shrimp to waste energy on mating. which causes dwarf and disproportionate male shrimp, which can be corrected by catching the female out to a number close to the male
Shrimp should be raised for at least 7 months and should be caught when the male weighs no less than 80 g and the female should not be less than 50 g. The amount of produce is uncertain. It depends on many factors. Management of water and food sources Abroad, for example in Hawaii, yields exceed 400 kg per hectare per year. For in our house as far as having a babysitter will produce approximately 150 – 250 kg per rai per year.
Catching shrimp
in the shrimp We should consider two factors: the size of the market. and the size of the shrimp growing to the saturation point The shepherd knows that Shrimps are not the same size. 
The more they raise, the bigger the males than the females at the age of about 8-12 months. The male will be about 2 times bigger than the female. Observation of raising lobsters in the pond, it is found that shrimp should be caught when the males are 8-10 size. per kilogram and the female is 15 – 18 per kg. This is the stage where lobsters in the pond have the fastest growth rate. If I leave this place, it will grow slowly.
There are two methods for catching shrimp: occasional catch. using nylon nets and caught by pumping all the water out of the well
in shrimp farming As a business, it is better to catch shrimp using a net than other methods. This is because the shrimps are not the same size. The use of nets makes it possible to catch the grown shrimp for sale first. The shrimp is not damaged, which helps to get a good price and saves both manpower and equipment. However, shrimp that are molting should not be caught. or just molting new stains the shell is still soft because it is easy to be wounded spoil quickly and should not be kept overnight. because it will damage the shrimp This is because shrimp molts about 5-10% and most of them are eaten by other shrimps.
 only some left
Nets used to catch lobsters in ponds should be nylon nets. with eyes width 1.2 – 1.5 inches, net line No. 17, not less than the width of the pond and the depth is 3 times the depth of the water Used to drag along the length of the pond. This method will catch shrimp of any size. Weight not less than 50 grams each. Small shrimp will be able to pass. This makes it possible to select shrimp of the desired size in a timely manner. and the prawns were not bruised.
As for how to pump water out of the well and then catch it This should be done when the shrimp is low. and want to clean the pond because when the water is pumped out There will be a number of small shrimp. which is not yet available for sale need to continue to feed Catching by this method of pumping out all the water. will cause the shrimp to be very traumatized
The commercial farming of lobsters There are many problems such as low productivity due to the nature of shrimp like to eat shrimp together. has a slow growth rate And there is a problem with the water source used for raising. There is also another important problem, which is marketing because the international market is limited. and plum shrimp which has a market to support more production and reward much higher Shrimp farming business Will be more popular than raising lobsters. 
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