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Raising laying hens in 2023

วิธีการเลี้ยงไก่ไข่ ปี 2566

Planning before raising laying hens in 2023

Of course, before doing anything, there must be a plan. At first, we may have to think about what breed of chickens to raise. and how much to feed Then gradually learn and increase the number, including studying behavior, feeding, diseases that may occur. including preventive care It is also recommended to grow bananas, rice and vegetables. To be used as the main food and supplementary food for laying hens.
What are the breeds of laying hens?
For our house, there are 3 popular breeds of laying hens, which are Thai road chickens, Thai laying hens, Department of Livestock Development. and small egg-laying hens, white-crested, chakra Each species is different.
Thai Road Chicken
It is a purebred, half-meat, half-egg chicken. If anyone wants to use both meat and eggs, then choose to raise this breed of chicken. Characteristics of this breed of chickens are It has light brown to brown hairs and the eggshell is brown. It gives the first egg at about 168 days of age. The egg laying rate is 94% or 240 eggs per bird per year.
Thai laying hens, Department of Livestock Development
The characteristic of this breed is light to dark brown plumage. brown wing feathers dark brown necklace Big crest, bright red, big red wattle Red earrings are slightly white. The skin and shins are yellow. The tip of the tail is black. light brown eggshell It gives the first egg at about 169 days of age, producing about 290 eggs per egg per year.
laying hens
White Horn Laying Chicken with Crested Chakra
It is a purebred chicken, small size, white feathers, white eggshell, fertile eggs. Early egg laying with the first egg at the age of 4 months to 5 months. Productivity is about 300 eggs per bird per year.
How to raise laying hens
Raising laying hens can be both independent raising. Or raised in a greenhouse, where both forms are different.
free-range laying hens
It’s a popular method. Because it makes chickens have a good mood, good mental health, strength, has a good effect on productivity It makes the yolk dark, prominently convex, and the egg white thick and clear. And when used to cook, it will get delicious food, good taste, and also add nutritional value. The breeds that are suitable for raising free-range are the Road Thai breed of laying hens, the Thai bar chickens, and the Thai Plymouth Rock chickens. and laying hens, Department of Livestock Development, because these breeds of chickens can find natural food to eat by themselves. Therefore, they can be released in an open area covered by grass but a little further from the house. In addition, it must be checked that the area should not have chemicals for at least 3 years, including the soil must not contain chemicals. or heavy metal contamination


Raising laying hens in a house
For the house that will be used to raise laying hens, it must be both strong and durable, resistant to wind, sun, rain, including various animals. To disturb and harm the laying hens and the house must be easy to clean. Not an accumulation of pathogens Stay away from the community to prevent bad smells. For the house, it will be concrete and then padded with rice husk, about 3-5 inches thick, with 1 egg nest per 4 hens and 2 entrance-exit doors to facilitate circulation and release the chickens to the free plot. But if there are more than 1 house, each house should be spaced more than 10 meters to help with ventilation.
laying hens
Water and laying hens
Laying hens over 5 months old need about 0.5 liters of water per day per bird. If there is a lack of water during egg production for only 3-4 hours, the eggs will be small. Water for laying hens should be clean. As for the food If it’s the beginning of egg feeding, it will be a food with a protein percentage of 13-15%, which can include mixed feed, concentrate feed, pellet feed, or instant feed. and supplements
Other things to pay attention to in raising laying hens


Chickens are animals without sweat glands. The heat from the body cannot be vented through the skin like humans. Therefore, the heat from the body is exhaled by breathing air into the lungs into the alveoli. Some of the water that the chicken eats will evaporate with the air that the chicken exhales because the chicken body does not have heat. (The evaporation of water takes place by means of heat), so breathing also carries heat. which controls the temperature in the chicken body with the hypothalamus gland The pituitary gland acts as a control center for maintaining a relatively constant level of body temperature in chickens.
transfer or ventilation In laying hen houses it is important to consider ventilation. If creating airy good air circulation Polluted air is expelled outside the house and replaced by fresh air from outside. By bringing the heat from within the house as well, in addition to reducing the amount of various pathogens to a certain extent
Laying hens
lighting program For laying hens, it is necessary to increase the light when the chickens are 6-22 weeks old, gradually increasing the light by 1/2-1 hour per week until reaching 4 hours, for a total of 12 hours of natural light per day, for a total of 16 hours. will be sufficient to meet the needs in order to achieve high productivity or a long egg-laying age and will use this light until the chicken runs out of eggs
relative humidity The appropriate relative humidity is about 50-80%, which if the humidity in the air is low, the heat from the body will be better vented. Which Thailand often encounters problems with humidity in the rainy season (hot-humid)
laying hens feeding The key goal of the feed used for laying hens is to minimize the cost of production and the lowest production efficiency for one egg. However, the cost of producing one egg is about 60% of the feed cost, so this will be relevant. on the rate of laying eggs And the size of the chicken as well, which the raiser must choose a chicken breed that has a fertility rate and a small size to save food costs, also depends on the weather. The season is also an important factor.
disease and prevention
Newcastle disease
It is the most contagious disease of chickens in Thailand. caused by a virus The epidemic is fast. by inhalation And other excreta of sick chickens. Sick chickens will have respiratory and nervous system symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, loud noises when the hens are laying eggs, the eggs will drop immediately. And usually die within 3-4 days after showing signs of illness. by vaccination Newcastle
contagious bronchitis
It is the most prevalent respiratory disease. caused by virus It can happen to chickens of any age. But there is often violence in chicks. has a very high mortality rate Chickens with this disease will have symptoms. Mouth opens and neck arched when breathing. Difficulty breathing. Rattling sound when breathing. Loss of appetite. In laying hens, eggs are suddenly reduced. Prevention by vaccination against bronchitis.
Chicken Fever
It is a serious contagious disease. caused by bacteria into the body through food and water Chickens with this disease will have limp, lethargy, loss of appetite, extreme thirst, diarrhea, yellow stools. The wattle is darker than usual. if the chicken is severely ill Chickens may die without showing signs of illness.
Treatment with antibiotics Chlortetracycline or oxytetracycline or using sulfa drugs such as sulfamerazine Or sulfametharine. Prevention by vaccination against cholera.
chicken pox
It is a common disease in chicks and pullets. which is caused by the virus contagious by contact, such as living in a crowd and mosquitoes are carriers of biting disease This disease shows no signs of being fatal. Chickens with this disease show signs of gray blistering spots on the face, comb, wattle and skin. He didn’t eat and eventually died.
laying hen care
Simple laying hen care summary
Make a liver cage for 1-2 chickens per compartment, width 50 cm., height 66 cm., using the wood we have, such as bamboo, eucalyptus wood, with a stand for the liver cage, height 50 cm. Feeding equipment uses half-cut bamboo. water dispenser using a simple used water bottle
low cost savings
Use nets to prevent mosquitoes for chickens at night. Feed young layer chickens with 13-15 percent protein per day, 80-100 g/day, morning and afternoon. Observe the chicken’s food intake. Clean the gutters once a day.
deworming outside of chicken before the chicken gives the egg and make a vaccine for Newcastle, chicken cholera, keep an eye on the health of chickens During the weather change, give water soluble vitamins to the chickens. During the egg-laying period (20-22 weeks), the feed should be changed to layer-laying chicken feed with 14-15 percent protein per day, 150-200 grams per day.
At 28-31 weeks, feed more chickens according to the number of eggs provided. Collect eggs at least twice a day, during lunch and before work. Regularly take care of chicken health checks on a daily basis. Clean the feeding trough if wet food gets stuck in the trough. If there are enemies destroying chickens in the vicinity, such as dogs, snakes, money, make defenses such as making a stall. or prevent it from destroying the chicken
ผลิตภัณฑ์ siamwaterflame

Planning before raising laying hens in 2023

Of course, before doing anything, there must be a plan. At first, we may have to think about what breed of chickens to raise. and how much to feed Then gradually learn and increase the number, including studying behavior, feeding, diseases that may occur. including preventive care It is also recommended to grow bananas, rice and vegetables. To be used as the main food and supplementary food for laying hens.
What are the breeds of laying hens?
For our house, there are 3 popular breeds of laying hens, which are Thai road chickens, Thai laying hens, Department of Livestock Development. and small egg-laying hens, white-crested, chakra Each species is different.
Thai Road Chicken
It is a purebred, half-meat, half-egg chicken. If anyone wants to use both meat and eggs, then choose to raise this breed of chicken. Characteristics of this breed of chickens are It has light brown to brown hairs and the eggshell is brown. It gives the first egg at about 168 days of age. The egg laying rate is 94% or 240 eggs per bird per year.
Thai laying hens, Department of Livestock Development
The characteristic of this breed is light to dark brown plumage. brown wing feathers dark brown necklace Big crest, bright red, big red wattle Red earrings are slightly white. The skin and shins are yellow. The tip of the tail is black. light brown eggshell It gives the first egg at about 169 days of age, producing about 290 eggs per egg per year.
laying hens
White Horn Laying Chicken with Crested Chakra
It is a purebred chicken, small size, white feathers, white eggshell, fertile eggs. Early egg laying with the first egg at the age of 4 months to 5 months. Productivity is about 300 eggs per bird per year.
how to raise laying hens
Raising laying hens can be both independent raising. Or raised in a greenhouse, where both forms are different.
free-range laying hens
It’s a popular method. Because it makes chickens have a good mood, good mental health, strength, has a good effect on productivity It makes the yolk dark, prominently convex, and the egg white thick and clear. And when used to cook, it will get delicious food, good taste, and also add nutritional value. The breeds that are suitable for raising free-range are the Road Thai breed of laying hens, the Thai bar chickens, and the Thai Plymouth Rock chickens. and laying hens, Department of Livestock Development, because these breeds of chickens can find natural food to eat by
 themselves. Therefore, they can be released in an open area covered by grass but a little further from the house. In addition, it must be checked that the area should not have chemicals for at least 3 years, including the soil must not contain chemicals. or heavy metal contamination
Raising laying hens in a house
For the house that will be used to raise laying hens, it must be both strong and durable, resistant to wind, sun, rain, including various animals. To disturb and harm the laying hens and the house must be easy to clean. Not an accumulation of pathogens Stay away from the community to prevent bad smells. For the house, it will be concrete and then padded with rice husk, about 3-5 inches thick, with 1 egg nest per 4 hens and 2 entrance-exit doors to facilitate circulation and release the chickens to the free plot. But if there are more than 1 house, each house should be spaced more than 10 meters to help with ventilation.
laying hens
Water and laying hens
Laying hens over 5 months old need about 0.5 liters of water per day per bird. If there is a lack of water during egg production for only 3-4 hours, the eggs will be small. Water for laying hens should be clean. As for the food If it’s the beginning of egg feeding, it will be a food with a protein percentage of 13-15%, which can include mixed feed, concentrate feed, pellet feed, or instant feed. and supplements
Other things to pay attention to in raising laying hens
Chickens are animals without sweat glands. The heat from the body cannot be vented through the skin like humans. Therefore, the heat from the body is exhaled by breathing air into the lungs into the alveoli. Some of the water that the chicken eats will evaporate with the air that the chicken exhales because the chicken body does not have heat. (The evaporation of water takes place by means of heat), so breathing also carries heat. which controls the temperature in the chicken body with the hypothalamus gland The pituitary gland acts as a control center for maintaining a relatively constant level of body temperature in chickens.
transfer or ventilation In laying hen houses it is important to consider ventilation. If creating airy good air circulation Polluted air is expelled outside the house and replaced by fresh air from outside. By bringing the heat from within the house as well, in addition to reducing the amount of various pathogens to a certain extent
Laying hens
lighting program For laying hens, it is necessary to increase the light when the chickens are 6-22 weeks old, gradually increasing the light by 1/2-1 hour per week until reaching 4 hours, for a total of 12 hours of natural light per day, for a total of 16 hours. will be sufficient to meet the needs in order to achieve high productivity or a long egg-laying age and will use this light until the chicken runs out of eggs
relative humidity The appropriate relative humidity is about 50-80%, which if the humidity in the air is low, the heat from the body will be better vented. Which Thailand often encounters problems with humidity in the rainy season (hot-humid)
laying hens feeding The key goal of the feed used for laying hens is to minimize the cost of production and the lowest production efficiency for one egg. However, the cost of producing one egg is about 60% of the feed cost, so this will be relevant. on the rate of laying eggs And the size of the chicken as well, which the raiser must choose a chicken breed that has a fertility rate and a small size to save food costs, also depends on the weather. The season is also an important factor.
disease and prevention
Newcastle disease
It is the most contagious disease of chickens in Thailand. caused by a virus The epidemic is fast. by inhalation And other excreta of sick chickens. Sick chickens will have respiratory and nervous system symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, loud noises when the hens are laying eggs, the eggs will drop immediately. And usually die within 3-4 days after showing signs of illness. by vaccination Newcastle
contagious bronchitis
It is the most prevalent respiratory disease. caused by virus It can happen to chickens of any age. But there is often violence in chicks. has a very high mortality rate Chickens with this disease will have symptoms. Mouth opens and neck arched when breathing. Difficulty breathing. Rattling sound when breathing. Loss of appetite. In laying hens, eggs are suddenly reduced. Prevention by vaccination against bronchitis.
Chicken Fever
It is a serious contagious disease. caused by bacteria into the body through food and water Chickens with this disease will have limp, lethargy, loss of appetite, extreme thirst, diarrhea, yellow stools. The wattle is darker than usual. if the chicken is severely ill Chickens may die without showing signs of illness.
Treatment with antibiotics Chlortetracycline or oxytetracycline or using sulfa drugs such as sulfamerazine Or sulfametharine. Prevention by vaccination against cholera.
chicken pox
It is a common disease in chicks and pullets. which is caused by the virus contagious by contact, such as living in a crowd and mosquitoes are carriers of biting disease This disease shows no signs of being fatal. Chickens with this disease show signs of gray blistering spots on the face, comb, wattle and skin. He didn’t eat and eventually died.
laying hen care
Simple laying hen care summary
Make a liver cage for 1-2 chickens per compartment, width 50 cm., height 66 cm., using the wood we have, such as bamboo, eucalyptus wood, with a stand for the liver cage, height 50 cm. Feeding equipment uses half-cut bamboo. water dispenser using a simple used water bottle
low cost savings
Use nets to prevent mosquitoes for chickens at night. Feed young layer chickens with 13-15 percent protein per day, 80-100 g/day, morning and afternoon. Observe the chicken’s food intake. Clean the gutters once a day.
deworming outside of chicken before the chicken gives the egg and make a vaccine for Newcastle, chicken cholera, keep an eye on the health of chickens During the weather change, give water soluble vitamins to the chickens. During the egg-laying period (20-22 weeks), the feed should be changed to layer-laying chicken feed with 14-15 percent protein per day, 150-200 grams per day.
At 28-31 weeks, feed more chickens according to the number of eggs provided. Collect eggs at least twice a day, during lunch and before
 work. Regularly take care of chicken health checks on a daily basis. Clean the feeding trough if wet food gets stuck in the trough. If there are enemies destroying chickens in the vicinity, such as dogs, snakes, money, make defenses such as making a stall. or prevent it from destroying the chicken
ผลิตภัณฑ์ siamwaterflame
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